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White’s Cross 0 – 10 St. Vincents 0 – 08

In a repeat of the Junior A football championship final eincounter, White’s Cross again matched up against St. Vincents in the A League semi-final.  Moreover the game was ideal final preparation for our lads, with the fixture coming in six days beore our County Quarter Final clash.  Incidentally at the time of going to print, the result of this game versus Courcey Rovers is unknown.  The league semi-final outing was played in Ballinlough, where torrential rains and a curtain-raiser had led to very heavy conditions, ensuring that the football was never going to be pretty.  However White’s Cross and St Vincents served out very entertaining fare, with John Meade, Donnnacha Murnane, Kevin and Edwin Buckley all particularly effective.  White’s Cross meet near neighbours Brian Dillons in the league final. 

Incidentally it is worth noting that, since White’s Cross and Whitechurch first amalgamated at Junior level at the beginning of 2001, we have qualified for the league play-offs each season in the Junior A football grade.  This would illustrate that we have competed well at the level each year in the intervening six seasons – culminating in the Championship success this year.  However it is also worth noting we have capitalised on this good league form rather disappointingly with only one league triumph, and that on our maiden voyage in 2001 against Dillons…